Released in 2021 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland stories. The five coin set contains the famous characters and quotes from the book.
This five coin set includes:
- Alice “What a Curious Feeling?"
- The Queen of Hearts "That's Enough, Off With Their Heads"
- The Mad Hatter "I Am Under No Obligaton to Make Sense to You"
- The Cheshire Cat "We're All Mad Here"
- The White Rabbit "The Hurrier I Go the More Behinder I Get"
*These coins have not entered general circulation in the UK*
*Only circulated in the Isle of Man*
Obverse: Jody Clark Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II
Reverse: Depicting the characters, as above.
This purchase is for all five coins in the set.
The 2021 sequel set: Alice Through the Looking Glass also available.
2021 Isle of Man Alice in Wonderland 50p (Five Coin Set)